Universalism: Past, Present and Powerful

Rev. Kalen Fristad

Rev. Fristad will speak on the long rich history of Universalism. He will be relating that the teaching of eternal damnation is not merely a harmless untruth that we might appropriately ignore and allow to stand, but that it has serious consequences. It leads to the possibility, perhaps even the inevitability, of wars, bigotry, oppression and abuse. On the other hand, the teaching of Universalism leads to equality, respect, love and dignity for all. Rev. Fristad is a United Methodist minister and is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship. 


Link to Service Recording:



~Open hearts, open minds, room for all theologies, including yours~


We are meeting in person at the First Presbyterian Church of Astoria. The service will also be live-streamed via Zoom for those who are not comfortable attending in person.  Masks are now optional but strongly advised. If you are not feeling well, please wear a mask, or attend via Zoom.


Religious Education for Children will occur during the regular service. 

Contact Adriana at Puufreligioused@Pacuuf.org for more information.


Join us for Coffee Hour after the service in Fellowship Hall!
