The Poor People’s Campaign

Jan. 15 – Arline LaMear ~ “The Poor People’s Campaign”

The Poor People’s Campaign, or Poor People’s March on
Washington, was a 1968 effort to gain economic justice for
poor people in the U.S. It was organized by Martin Luther King,
Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC),
and carried out under the leadership of Ralph Abernathy in the
wake of King’s assassination in April 1968. We’ll discuss what
this campaign accomplished and how it is being continued


~Open hearts, open minds, room for all theologies, including yours~


We are meeting in person at the First Presbyterian Church of Astoria. The service will also be live-streamed via Zoom for those who are not comfortable attending in person.  Masks are now optional. If you are not feeling well, please wear a mask, or attend via Zoom.


Religious Education for Children will occur during the regular service. 

Contact Adriana at for more information.


We will have coffee hour after the service in Fellowship Hall!
