Pacific CUUPs Lughnasadh Ritual and Coffenbury Lake Potluck

Come to Picnic Shelter A, Coffenbury Lake, Fort Stevens Potluck/Picnic

Come join Pacific CUUPs and PUUF celebrate the first harvest festival!  Our ritual will include honoring the deities of the occasion including Lugh and his foster mother Tailtiu.  The first harvest is focused on the grains, and was very significant in ancient times due to the importance of grain and the ability to store it for times of need in the coming winter.

Bring any offerings you feel work (grain-related best, but not exclusive) and also a dish to share for the Potluck Feast to follow!  Music and other entertainment (such as lawn games) would be welcome as well.  Come join the merriment and give thanks for the bounty of the Earth!


~Open hearts, open minds, room for all theologies, including yours~


Masks are now optional but strongly advised. If you are not feeling well, please wear a mask, or attend via Zoom.


Join us for the Potluck after the ritual at Coffenbury Lake!

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