How the Unitarians Saved Christmas

Long before the angst that seems to pop up ever year around this time, with accusations of “Killing Christmas”, there was a real effort to do away with Christmas celebrations.  Come hear Rev. Kit Ketcham speak about how the Unitarians saved Christmas in the early years of our country.


~Open hearts, open minds, room for all theologies, including yours~


We can now meet in person at First Presbyterian Church of Astoria, 1103 Grand Avenue, but we will still broadcast on Zoom for those who are unable to attend in person. Masks are required. Speakers and performers will be taking their masks off when they speak or perform from the podium. RE will continue on Zoom until children are vaccinated. If you are not vaccinated or are not feeling well, please consider others and attend via Zoom. No food or drink is allowed in the Presbyterian Church Sanctuary.