April 26 2020

On fourth Sundays this year we will have discussions on topics chosen by the participants.  This month the topic is:  “Compassion: “Too much self-centered thinking is the source of suffering. A compassionate concern for others’ well-being is the source of happiness. The Buddha said, “What is the one thing, which when you possess, you have all other virtues. It is compassion.”  Arline LeMear will lead the discussion based on The Book of Joy.

Services are via Zoom at 11 am Sundays:  zoom.us/j/5357731669  Password: 900373 

Alternate:  join.zoom.us   Meeting ID 535-773-1669.  Password: 900373.

To join by telephone, call 1 253 215 8782 or 1 301 715 8592  Meeting ID: 535-773-1669.
